“Carpe Diem! Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary.”
~Dead Poet’s Society
We’re at The Lake this week. It’s our time during the summer to re-lax, re-charge and re-connect. To shut down from the everyday busyness of our lives and savor the lazy days of summer. The cement Dock that extends out into Lake Erie from our little colony even has the words: Carpe Diem etched boldly for posterity. It’s a great reminder to all of us to stop and “seize the day.”
So when we got the call mid week that a great guy (just 58 years young) that we just met at a wedding two weeks ago had passed away suddenly and very unexpectantly, Carpe Diem took on real meaning. This was on the heels of reading about the sudden death of a fellow Rotarian’s daughter right before we left on vacation.
So as you read this post, STOP. Savor the fact that you are alive and here to make a difference, whatever that means for you. Carpe Diem. I know I will.
To your success,