"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures."
~Thornton Wilder
As an American, I’m celebrating the Fourth of July this week. For many, the day is filled with summer barbeques, get-togethers with family and friends, fireworks and (hopefully) a day away from the pressures of work.
But in the same spirit as Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July is also a day to be grateful—grateful for the freedom and independence that we so regularly take for granted and grateful for the thousands of men and women who work every day to protect our freedom.
Which makes me think….What else do we take for granted? What in the world would give us joy or contentment or energy if we would just notice it?
Yes, we’re thankful for our health and our loved ones. But here are 9 more to reflect on….
2. Our senses. Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste—daily miracles each of them.
3. Opportunity. Our steady companion, opportunity is always ready to take us down a path yet unknown. (Hint: We have to say “Yes!”)
4. Beauty. What do your eyes feast on? It is all around us every day. How often do you stop to drink it in?
5. The ability to learn. There is no age limit on learning—period. When we stop learning, we really stop living.
6. Young children. They model for us innocence, faith, resilience, playfulness and unconditional love.
7. Music. What inspires you? What lifts your mood? Rock & roll, folk guitar, country, African drumming, violin concertos, gospel? A nightingale?
8. The ability to give. Every act of love benefits the giver as much as the receiver.
9. Color. Sunsets, Gauguin paintings, green peppers, blue eyes. Imagine a world without color….
10. Change. It’s unavoidable; the only constant. Change can be unsettling or challenging. But the mystery of it and what lies beyond it can keep us young at heart.
So the next time you complain about the challenges and busyness of everyday life, stop for a moment and reflect in gratitude on your freedom and the simple gifts we’ve been given.
What are you grateful for on this Independence Day?
To your success,