Excellent leadership requires an ability to adjust your emotions, thoughts and behaviors to changing conditions. And flexible people can move off their positions, and comfortably change their minds when new evidence suggests that they are mistaken. In other words, flexibility is a critical leadership skill in our current environment.
The skill of flexibility enables leaders to:
- Solve new and different problems they’ve not faced before
- Shift strategies and priorities when new situations arise
- Empower others, and let them know their ideas and input are valued
Some Strategies for Improving Flexibility
- A key to flexibility is self-awareness. Look at a period of time, (a day, a week) and jot down situations where flexibility has been a challenge, where you viewed yourself as inflexible. Look for frequent and consistent themes.
- Actively listen to colleagues and those who work for you even when they disagree with you.
- Be conscious of your words. “No,” “But” and “However” send strong messages that you are uninterested in being open to the ideas of others.
- Shift to a learning perspective. Let others’ good ideas lead you into new territory so that you can learn new approaches.
- Ask yourself: If I were to change just one thing about myself, what would it be? Be open to the answer and begin the process!
Go ahead. Enhance your “FlexAbility”, a key skill for leadership and living.
To your success,