“Every day is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.”
Last weekend I ran across an old “Peanuts” cartoon with Lucy and Linus, her baby brother.
Lucy: ’I’ll tell you something I’ve never told anyone before.’
She points to a hill in the distance and says, ’Someday, I’m going over that hill and find happiness and fulfilment. For me all the answers to life lie beyond those clouds and over the grassy slopes of those hills.’
Linus, removing the thumb from his mouth, points toward the hill,:’Perhaps there’s another little kid on the other side of the hill who is looking this way and thinks that all the answers lie on this side of the hill.
Lucy thinks that one over for a long moment, then turns toward the hill and screams, ’FORGET IT KID!’
Ahh….how many times have you said to yourself: “I’ll find happiness and fulfillment and all the answers to life when I get to the hill in the distance.’ And the “hill” could be anything: fill in the blank. Is it more money, a promotion? A new house or car? Or maybe finding that perfect soul mate. We get caught up in thinking that just over that hill, we’ll find happiness.
Linus was pretty wise for a little kid. He reminds us that our best chance for long-term happiness and fulfillment is in staying RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW, in this place.
How about giving yourself the best gift this holiday season: Living in the present.
To your success,