“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.”
~T.S. Eliot
It’s December 29th and everywhere you turn, people are talking about their New Year’s resolutions. It seems that each year, we often return to generating solutions to those nagging changes that have eluded us in the past. “I’d love to be a specimen of physical fitness.” “I want to be a better wife/husband/team member/listener.” Each change desired is as unique as each person making the resolve.
This year, one possibility is to look at the desired change from a new and different perspective. Imagine that your desired vision and your current reality are like a stretched rubber band across two hands. The top hand represents your vision for the results of the change effort. The bottom hand represents your current state or what exists today. The wider the gap between your vision and the current reality, the greater the tension in your life. And for many, there is a lot of tension in that stretched rubber band!
There are two ways of relieving the tension once and for all. You can release the vision and stay stuck in the past, resist the required change and refuse to let go of your current unpoductive thoughts, feelings or behaviors. OR you can move that hand with the current reality, embrace your vision and tap into your passion, energy and optimism to do the work that moves you closer to your goal.
As a coach and a catalyst for my client’s change, my hope for you is that this is the last year you have to “re-solve” your current challenge. I encourage you to embrace your desired change. Pick one or two resolutions and finally do the work to put it behind you.
Then you can happily move to next year’s New Year’s challenge and a “New-solution” leaving your “Re-solution” far behind. I wish you much happiness, peace and joy in 2011!
To your success,