“No great thing is created suddenly.”
Epictetus (A.D.200)
We’ve nearly reached the end of 2009. It’s the time of year when magazine covers call out to you: TRANSFORM YOURSELF IN 10 DAYS! or NEW YEAR, NEW YOU! You get the picture. Extreme Makeover, Personal Edition. As a coach, I’m a catalyst for my client’s desired change and I know that there are aspects in each of us that could use some work. But embarking on a TOTAL TRANSFORMATION is a set up for disappointment.
What if, at this time of year, we reflected on the “one small change” that would have the greatest impact on our life or work? No transformation required--just continuous improvement. Now we're onto something. Practical. Focused. Achievable.
Here are five steps you can take to focus on that "one small change" that has the greatest impact for you in your work and in your life.
Let’s say that your “one small change” is to be at every appointment “on time”. (Remember the adage that “Early is On Time, On Time is Late and Late is Unacceptable.”) The stress you create for yourself by continually showing up late for meetings or appointments is overwhelming. You lose the respect from your colleagues because you are always flustered and stressed. Your “executive presence” is undermined. It’s time for change.
2. What do you want to move toward? Tap into the emotion that’s created by envisioning the successful end result. Reduced stress, calmer existence. More respect from others and enhanced executive presence. Let that energy be the fuel to power you as you tweak your behavior, your thoughts or your beliefs.
3. What’s the plan for getting there? You’ve heard of setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely). What are the specific action steps that you need to take in order to create this new habit or behavior? What are the actual tweaks in your daily processes or procedures that you need to make? Who can you ask for support as you make these changes?
Let’s apply the plan to your desired change of being on time. There are tons of practical and useful strategies for getting control of your day. With focus you can pull together a set of action steps to support your goal. Steps like:
· Prioritize your daily responsibilities.
· Say NO to unnecessary meetings or appointments.
· Analyze your daily tasks and understand where your time suckers are.
· Plan your day ahead of time, giving yourself adequate opportunity for transition time and travel between events.
4. Work the plan. Begin to put your action steps into place. Build on your daily disciplines and get the support to engrain the new habit.
5. Achieve success and select a new “one small change.” Achieving your goal will improve your confidence in tackling the next challenge.
This is the season for remembering our unique gifts, talents and strengths that we bring to every aspect of our lives. There’s no doubt that we can all improve certain aspects of our personal and professional life but don’t get caught up in the Extreme Makeover buzz. Focus on the "one small change" and see what impact you can make on your work and your life.
All the best to you in 2010.
To your success,